Friday, July 2, 2010


Superstar genetic engineers Clive Nicoli (Adrien Brody) and Elsa Kast (Sarah Polley) achieve fame by successfully splicing together the DNA of different animals to create incredible new hybrid animals. Now they want to use human DNA in a hybrid that could revolutionize science and medicine. But when the pharmaceutical company that funds their research, N.E.R.D., forbids it, Clive and Elsa secretly conduct their own experiments in the pursuit of even greater scientific discovery. They secretly blend human DNA with that of their creations, ignoring their society's ethical and legal boundaries.[4]
The scientists name their creature Dren (nerd spelled backward), and Dren exceeds their wildest dreams; she begins to grow and learn at an accelerated rate. As their lab becomes exceedingly crowded, and the risk of Dren being discovered increases, they move Dren to Elsa's dead mother's farm. Meanwhile, the original hybrid animals that they had created, which were originally mates, kill each other, as the female became a male and became extremely hostile. Later on, after observing Dren closely, Clive discovers that Elsa used her own DNA to create the creature, which by now has become amphibious, winged and omnivorous with a toxic sting. Elsa, who had formed a maternal bond with Dren, quickly changes her mind, cutting off her stinger and using it in medical experiments. As Dren grows, Clive is seduced by her and has sex with her, much to Elsa's disgust. When the pharmaceutical company realizes what had happened, they demand to see Dren. At Elsa's mother's farm, they are attacked by Dren, realizing that she had become a male, just like the original hybrid animals. Dren uses his stinger to rape Elsa, only being stopped by Clive's intervention. Dren quickly kills Clive with a toxic sting but is killed by Elsa when she smashes Dren's head with a rock. Later on, Elsa is seen in the office of the pharmaceutical company's head and is given a mass amount of money in exchange for her silence and taking the experiment to the next stage. The head of the company then thanks Elsa for the personal risk that she is undergoing. Elsa stands up and is revealed to be pregnant

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