Saturday, July 3, 2010


The film opens with a Western-style action sequence, featuring Woody, Jessie and Buzz battling Hamm (Evil Dr. Pork Chop), Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head (One-Eyed Bart and Betty) and the aliens. At the climax, the sequence is revealed to be a visualization of one of Andy's many imagined adventures while he played with the toys as a child. Now 17, Andy has long outgrown the toys and is preparing to move out of the house to attend college. He decides to bring Woody with him, and packs the other toys in a trash bag to be stored in the attic (a move the toys have long prepared for). However, his mother mistakes the bag for garbage and leaves it on the curb. After the toys barely manage to escape the garbage truck, they refuse to believe Woody (who saw what happened) when he says that Andy didn't intend to throw them away, and Woody and the rest of the toys end up sneaking into a box of donations to a local daycare, Sunnyside.
Upon their arrival at Sunnyside, the toys receive a warm welcome led by Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (a.k.a. Lotso). Other Sunnyside residents include Ken and a baby doll named Big Baby. Lotso shows them to their new home, the Caterpillar room, before returning to the Butterfly room, where Lotso, Ken (now joined by Andy's sister's Barbie) and Big Baby live. While Sunnyside's children are still outside, Woody attempts again to persuade the other toys to return to Andy's house, but Lotso has convinced them that they will be happier at Sunnyside; Woody sets off alone. After he leaves, the remaining toys soon discover that the Caterpillar room is designated for toddlers, whose rambunctious nature is upsetting to the toys.
After escaping the building, Woody is found by a girl named Bonnie, who brings him home to play with her own well-loved array of toys. Woody learns from one of them, Chuckles the Clown, that Sunnyside is a virtual prison for toys, run with an iron fist by Lotso. Chuckles, Lotso and Big Baby were formerly owned by a girl named Daisy, who loved them dearly, with Lotso being the "special one", who she always kept close to her. However, Daisy accidently lost them while away from home, when they stopped at the roadside to play. When the trio finally made their way back to Daisy's home, Lotso found that he had been replaced, causing him to snap and become bitter and controlling.
Meanwhile, the toys at Sunnyside discover Lotso's true personality for themselves: when Buzz goes to ask Lotso to transfer them to the Butterfly room, he is captured by Ken, Big Baby and Lotso's other minions. Under Lotso's direction, they use Buzz's instruction book to reset his memory to its originally-packaged state, causing him to forget his friendships with Andy's other toys and become an officer under Lotso's control. With Buzz's help, Lotso has all of Andy's toys imprisoned on the shelves of the Caterpillar room.
Woody returns to Sunnyside to help his friends escape. After arriving, he meets Chatter Telephone, the oldest toy at Sunnyside, who informs him about Lotso's extensive security measures, including an cymbal-wielding monkey, who alerts Lotso to any attempted escape. The toys manage to carry out a plan to escape the Sunnyside via the garbage chute (although their efforts to restore Buzz's former self lead to him temporarily adopting his Spanish-language mode, which makes him more concerned with wooing Jessie through seductive salsa dance). As they narrowly avoid falling into the dumpster, Lotso and his henchmen surprise them. Ken stops Lotso from harming Andy's toys, since he loves Barbie and declares it was Lotso who took control of the daycare. Woody tells the other toys about Lotso's past, convincing them of Lotso's deception and leading Big Baby to throw Lotso himself into the dumpster.

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